Anti-Burnout For English Teachers
Anti-Burnout For English Teachers
25. Embracing Sustainable Differentiation Practices for Literary Analysis Units

In this episode, we’re exploring differentiation practices by first looking at the nuts and bolts of unit structure, from anticipation guides to practice assignments, all the way to major assessments. Using the holiday classic, It’s a Wonderful Life as a case study, we’re examining the concept of redemption and the American Dream.

Differentiation can be so time intensive and difficult to manage! We discuss the challenge of managing student progress and the importance of individual feedback and revisiting notes for our students, all while looking at strategies to manage teacher workload. This episode is packed with tips: curriculum breaks and pacing, effective strategies for differentiation, and more.

Tune in for the discussion!

Differentiation Practices

Key Topics

Unit Structure for Literary Analysis

  • Unit structure which includes anticipation guide, formative assignments, a minor summative assessment, practice assignments, and a major assessment.
  • Usage of this structure in literary analysis units and its variation for other units.

Focus on It’s a Wonderful Life Unit

  • Essential question exploring the theme of second chances, redemption and the American dream.
  • Connected concepts of reinvention, personal growth, the American Dream, and family and community.
  • Use of the anticipation guide for conceptual discussion.

Student Progress Tracking

  • Data collection using Google form and assignment scoring through rubrics.
  • Strategies for Struggling Students
  • Regular check-ins and comment review.

Sustainability of Analysis Units

  • Customized tasks based on student weaknesses or choice board options.
  • Importance of feedback and open revision.
  • Feedback during assignment completion.
  • Intensity of literary analysis units.
  • Plan for game incorporation for engagement and break purposes.
  • Use of stations or specific skill-based tasks.

Discussion Questions

More About Anti-Burnout for English Teachers

Are you wanting a classroom strategy that keeps you energized and joyful but want tools and resources to make teaching high school English more manageable? It’s possible, and I’ll share what I’ve learned through my years of trial and error. Let’s build a better classroom!

25. Embracing Sustainable Differentiation Practices for Literary Analysis Units

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